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How to tour like a cheapskate

16 Aug

I’m gonna start this post by reminding everyone I’m on a budget! Exchange rates people!!

Continuing on my Starbucks Tour of London (don’t visit Earls Court they don’t have power points) I ended up at St Paul’s Cathedral the other day. After having a chat to my Dad I decided to check the Cathedral out. I knew nothing about it but figured it would be interesting to see.


Imagine my horror when I discovered that it would cost me £15 to enter the building. Now a lot of churches I have visited in Spain, Italy etc ask for a donation but I don’t think I have been to one that charges for entry. That was pretty much it for me as I really can’t afford to be splashing money on churches right now till I noticed a sign that said no entry fee for those wishing to worship. (Here’s where the no judgement comes in) so I told the guard I was here to pray and walked right in*

The church was beautiful, and I did respect their wishes not to take photos so you will just have to visit someday. Whilst I was in there I remembered that there was the famous whispering gallery somewhere and great views of London. Unfortunately when I got to the door up to the gallery they were checking tickets (no entry fee, no ticket) but just behind me was a large tour group so whilst the guide was talking to the staff member I snuck in with the group.

I was severely punished though with 528 of these.


After 259 steps you encounter the Whispering Gallery. Which is a large circular balcony looking down on the centre of the Cathedral. It is named because you can stand on one side of the gallery and whisper into the wall and be heard on the other side more than 20 meters away.

Another 109 steps up to the stone gallery rewards you with these views.


Thats the Shard on the right, which I happen to think is quite ugly.

If you are loving the steps you can keep going going another 152 stairs to the Golden Gallery. Be warned though the stairs start looking like this.


The views up the top were fantastic and definitely worth the climb.



On the way down I noticed some old graffiti which I thought was pretty cool.


* I did actually buy a candle and light it for my family in Australia.