Zombie Zombie Zombie heya heya

15 Oct

On Saturday my Aussie housemate and I went out on a zombie pub crawl. It is held every year in London to raise money for the homeless charity St Mungos. It basically is as easy as it sounds, you get dressed up as a zombie and move from pub to pub.

Getting ready to go was pretty funny, we tried to convince our English housemates to come along, however they were pretty reluctant to get dressed up, although one of them agreed to meet us later “when it was dark”. We didn’t put a massive effort into our costume. £2.50 cotton tops from Primark covered in food dye and some black and white face paint from the pound store and we were set.

Traveling to the starting point on the tube was hilarious, lots of stares and comments (it was only 1pm!) we tried to smile and wave at any kids we saw so they weren’t too scared and we even got some high fives from some brave ones. We also got stopped for lots of photos. My favourite thing to do was to stand next to people at traffic lights and wait for them to notice me and freak out. It cracked me up every time. London people are funny though, they don’t acknowledge each other so it was nice to get some reactions and make people laugh.

Here are some pics of my day. The pubs were a lot of fun, very busy and crowded but it was a great friendly atmosphere.

All ready to go out with my housemate.

I love this picture, great memory of London

Dad, meet my future husband. Ha ha just kidding

My housemate and friends.

I had a lot of comments and questions about my forehead. Not sure if you can tell by the pics but I have a flap of skin hanging down, exposing a rather nasty wound.

How it was done is very simple, I didn’t use latex or anything fancy. I literally glued a couple of layers of tissue to my head using ordinary white glue. When it dried I peeled it from the top of the tissue down to about halfway. I then painted the exposed skin black, and then added red food dye (in paste form) on top. Simple! For my skin I used a mixture of white face paint and a cheap mud face mask. As the mask dried it made my skin look cracked and peeled and even more dead!

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